Thursday, April 17, 2014

Rediscovering the Medicinal Value of Insects

Rediscovering the Medicinal Value of Insects
Dr Abe V Rotor 
       Insects give us the sweetest sugar - honey, the finest fabric – silk, the purest light - firefly, reddest dye – cochineal, most lilting sound – crickets’ music, and strangest model of unity  - termite and bee colonies. Insects fill Ceres basket with fruits and vegetables through the magic of pollination which no other creatures can match.  And now they are moving into the front line of alternative medicine.

      A former co-teacher had been limping for some time. Then one day I met her briskly walking on the campus, her swollen arm hanging on a sling. “I got stung by bees,” she complained.

      I remember having read in Time Magazine that bee sting is good for arthritis and rheumatism.  In fact the number of clinics and doctors that use bee venom as an alternative medicine is increasing in number in the United States and other parts of the world. 

      The treatment is as simple as introducing the excited bee over the affected area, say, the knee or elbow.  By holding the struggling bee with forceps, its posterior needle is aimed at the infected area.  Once the needle is embedded the bee is removed, the sting with the attached poison sac is torn off leading to the insect’s death. (This is the same reason why the male bee dies after mating with the potential queen during the nuptial flight.)  The poison sac contracts rhythmically as more poison flows into the affected muscles and nerves.

      “Bee sting relieves arthritis and rheumatism,” I ventured explaining to the surprise of my co-teacher. “Why, it’s true!” she exclaimed. “Lately I've not been feeling tight joints and morning aches.” Jokingly she said she would like to go into honeybee keeping and get more bee stings. An article mentioned that beekeepers live active and longer lives. Some say occasional bee sting is good for the heart. Could this be true?

      Bee venom treatment attracts many patients who are conscious of the side effects of synthetic drugs.  In their testimonies they find it effective that many patients virtually hang their canes soon after the treatment. The relief allows patients to follow a regimen of exercise and controlled diet to help in healing.

      Many kinds of insects have been reputed to possess medicinal properties The use of insects and their products in alternative medicine dates back to antiquity with the use of wild honey as poultice for wounds and infections other than its principal use as health food.
Bee Extract
      In the first half of the last century there was a preparation known as “Apis” which is extracted from the bodies of honeybees.  The extraction is done by killing the insects in ethanol while they are intensely excited. The medium digests their bodies for a month at warm temperature. It is finally brought to a strength representing two ounces of bees to one pint of the medicine. This preparation has been used for the treatment of “hives,” diphtheria, scarlet fever, erysipelas, dropsy, urinary irritation, and all kinds of edema accompanied by swelling and burning.

      In an article, “The Remedial Value of Stings,” the author ER Roots reported that bee venom has been placed in the market in ampules is administered hypodermically thus giving the same effects as natural sting, minus the pain. Pre-testing for allergy is more convenient and doses are easier to adjust.  But such treatment is not popular among Filipinos although many of us believe in the herbolario, manghihilot and faith healer.   
  Mealy bug, Dactylopius coccus, source of prized red dye exclusively used 
historically by the Roman emperor and his court .  

      Another insect with medicinal value is a mealy bug, Dactylopius coccus that produces cochineal.  The insect is presently cultured commercially in Honduras, Canary Island, Mexico, Peru and Spain. Cochineal is extensively used as dye but lately it has been discovered to possess properties that allay pain, and it is reported to be effective in treating whooping cough and neuralgia.
 Heal Deep-Seated Wounds

      I was reading an account of a very rare case of insect use as a substitute for delicate surgery.  During the First World War, a certain Dr. W. S. Baer noticed that wounds of soldiers who had been lying on the battlefield for hours did not develop infections, such as osteomyelitis; much so unlike those wounds which had been treated and dressed promptly after combat. 

      The reason for this is: the older wounds were found to be infested with maggots.  These maggots are larvae of flies, commonly houseflies (Musca domestica) and blue bottle flies (Calliphora sp). The adult flies can detect the smell of blood and deposit their eggs around the wound, anticipating that their larvae will soon feed on the injured tissues.

Fly maggots therapy (Wikipedia)

      Doctors who have observed this phenomenon were surprised to find out that the maggots do “clean up” the wounds, especially the deep-seated ones, more effectively than ordinary surgical or antibacterial treatment! This discovery led to the practice of rearing maggots under sterile conditions, then introducing these clinically clean maggots into wounds, there to consume the microscopic particles of putrefied flesh and bone.  This practice, however, came to an end with the introduction of modern drugs and surgery. But to show how extensive this practice was, a survey conducted during its peak showed that 92 per cent of 600 physicians who had used this treatment reported favorably about it.

      A renowned researcher Dr. William Robinson was able to isolate a substance from the secretion of the maggots that, he believed, contain the healing effects on infected wounds.  This material is allantoin.  It soon became commercially available as its importance began to be recognized.
      Commercial allantoin is a harmless, odorless, painless, and inexpensive lotion which, when applied to chronic ulcers, burns and similar pus-forming wounds, stimulates local, rather than general, granulation.  It is very valuable in treating deep wounds such as bone marrow infections, where the internal part of the wound must be healed first.

      But allantoin solutions cannot be as efficient as using living maggots in the treatment of bone infections.  It is because the maggots actually eat out the necrotic tissue, and kill the pus-forming bacteria by digesting them.  In the process, the maggots continuously secrete minute quantities of allantoin in their excreta to the very depth of the wound especially where the use of surgical instrument is limited, if not dangerous.

      Except in very isolated cases, modern medicine has succeeded in shelving the practice of using maggots on wounds.

Cantharidin – A Cure All Drug and Aphrodisiac
      In our animal husbandry class, our professor, Dr. Rufino Gapuz, told us of a way to harness and calm down a cow that is in heat so that she can be safely brought to the corral for insemination.  This was in the sixties when artificial insemination was something new in animal science. There is an injection prepared from the body of the blister beetle, called “Spanish fly”, Lytta vasicatoria. (Photo, Wikipedia)

      This insect occurs in abundance in France and Spain, a relative of the American blister beetle. The beetle carries in its body cantharidin.  It was used as folk medicine during the 19th century for all sorts of ailments, and was very much used as an aphrodisiac.  At present it is used in treating certain diseases of the urinogenital system and in animal breeding.
A mild dosage ointment has been formulated from the blister beetle in removing warts.
In the seventeenth century, some curative power was attributed to almost every known insect. For example, the bite of katydid or cricket is said to remove warts, cockroaches or earwig when dried and compounded will cure ulcer, weak sight, earache and dropsy. This is of course pure quackery and superstitious belief.

Antibiotics and Anti-inflammatory Ant Secretion
      With the decline in the effectiveness of antibiotics as a result of increasing resistance of pathogens, the search for more potent ones has widened into   various fields, which today include plants, fungi, protists and   monerans.

      One potential source of antibiotics is the green tree ant -Oecophylla smaragdina (photo) - a member of the large order of insects Hymenoptera to which bees and wasps belong. Like their relatives the green tree ant that is locally known as hantik, lives in colonies.  This social behavior enables them to grow in numbers of hundreds or thousands in a single colony, which can remain active for a long time.   Other than its reported antibiotic property, the leaf nest of the green tree ant relieves inflammation when bandaged on the affected area.

      Insects, the most numerous and oldest of all animals, have many good reasons to be with us. They are part of nature’s healing system which helps us live happier and healthier lives. ~

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