Saturday, May 3, 2014

Pet Birds - are they?

Dr Abe V Rotor

Birds in captivity is a great attraction to children. Here finches of different kinds are sold in small cages. Birds are the freest creatures.  They die in captivity by exhausting themselves to death trying to get out of their confines. 

Pet birds in cages weaned from their nest,
to market, to market, but why the haste?
Children are waiting, urging their parents  
to buy them pets - but what a waste! 

A pet is a pet, and curiosity is not enough,
short live impulse, deep ignorance;
and poor child, the world is beyond him, 
to understand the difference.

Pet is freedom, pet is love, it is mutual;  
not in the cage but in trees singing,
a family and whole flock, it's a part of,
not money but freedom - or nothing. 

The children's faces are full of desire
but not of love's true expression;
Reverence for Life they must be taught;
we grownups, it's our mission. ~    
Artificially colored maya appear unique, it may be mistaken for another species, perhaps a rare one to the innocent customer. Colors are harmful to both birds and man because of their lead content. 
Day old chicks are made to appear unique and "beautiful" by dyeing 
and painting them with different designs. 
Can you tell what these children are thinking about? Palm on check with 
serious expression maybe the turning point of reason - "if you were in the 
shoes of someone." Would you be happy if you were inside a cage? 

Colored day-old chicks are deceiving. It is not fair to the children, it is not fair to the Creator.   

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