The most basic of all elements is Oxygen. It is the only element that we take in its free state. A slight deprivation of it will send one panting and gasping for air. Imagine if this happens during lovemaking.
Dr Abe V Rotor

Sexual vitality may decrease with age, unfulfilled relationship, or simply poor health.
Take time out to bring it back, perhaps even greater. Examine the food you take everyday. Do they contain the right kind and amount of minerals? Go over this article and make a assessment. For each of the ten items, score 3 if highly sufficient, 2 if just sufficient, and 1 if insufficient.
1. Iodine is
associated with the thyroid gland which is called the "emotional”
gland. An under-active thyroid may be the cause of sterility, depression
and unsatisfactory sex life. Iodine helps in the control and balance of
other elements in the body, which include calcium, magnesium and
certain trace elements. Seafoods constitute the main source of iodine in
our diet. Iodized salt is the most practical solution to iodine
deficiency problem.
2. Okra and celery provide sodium,
known as the "youth element." People well provided with this element
are usually medium built and very much on the go. They are endowed with
great endurance, .strength and passion. They have strong sex appeal.
Sodium, together with calcium, magnesium and potassium, neutralize acid
in the body. It is found in the blood and all body fluids. It maintains
nerve conduction and electromagnetic potential bf tissues.
3. Potassium, which
we get from avocado and banana,' maintains our heart and muscles
healthy and strong, thus keeping us alert and well-coordinated. People
who have sufficient intake of potassium have positive and diplomatic
attitude, and have a
good sense of humor.
4. Iron aids
in the oxygenation of the body through the lungs and blood. Since
oxygen is essential to life, people who lack iron are anemic, docile and
sickly. On the other hand, those who have adequate iron in their
systems enjoy life. The most practical source of iron is green leafy
vegetables. In fact, chlorophyll and Vitamin C enhance the absorption of
iron from many food sources from dried fruits to fish and poultry.
Ginger and garlic are high in minerals and contain antibiotic properties
6. The main source of magnesium is
yellow food. Among the popular food sources of this mineral are banana
and avocado. Not many people know that lack of magnesium is manifested
by tension and restlessness, which affect our sleep and our personal and
social life. Relaxation is closely identified with magnesium.
Relaxation is the key to a pleasing personality and an enjoyable love
7. Manganese is a catalyst, which enhances enzyme reactions
in our brain, particularly the hypothalamus which is the sex center,
and our nerves, these being important to the enjoyment of sex life.
Foods rich in iron are also rich in manganese. People who are not taking
enough of this mineral are cruel and insensitive, forgetful and
impatient. Prolonged deficiency may contribute to mental problems and
nerve disorders.
8. Sulfur makes
us glow, so to speak. It makes our eyes sparkle, our steps quick, and
our body movement sexy. Our skin, hair, lips, cheeks may not need any
makeup if we eat sulfur-rich foods like onions and garlic, leeks
(leaf-onion), radish, cabbage
cauliflower. People who love to eat these foods look healthy and
attractive, and really, they are endowed with the gift of emotion and
passion, which is a key to the enjoyment of love life.
9. Calcium is
important to long life, because it does not only build but also rebuild
tissues in the bones and muscles, in fact all cells of the body. Women
deplete calcium faster than men, and this is apparent as they approach
menopause. General health and
long life depend to a large extent on regular intake of calcium-rich
foods, such as milk, vegetables, cereals, onions, poultry and fish. It
maintains balanced pH and production of hormones. People who are well
provided with calcium have large and heavy bones. They are workers and
appear serious in life, but in fact, are patient and sexually active.
10. Perhaps the most basic of all elements is Oxygen. It is the only element that we take in its free state. A slight deprivation of it will send one panting and gasping for air. Imagine if this happens during lovemaking. Oxygen makes 75 per cent of ourbody, and 20 per cent of our oxygen supply is used by the brain. People who exercise regularly and take balanced diet maintain a good level of oxygen supply.
than these minerals, most of the food mentioned contain vitamins that
are equally important. You will also get from them calories, protein,
fat, and trace elements needed by the body. Sexual vitality is dictated
by our brains that control our thoughts, actions and emotions. It
is important that we relax and avoid unnecessary stress. Live well,
there is no substitute to it. Be happy. Be happy together with your
25 - 30 sexual vitality high
15 - 24 fair or average
14 and below - poor
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