Saturday, May 2, 2015

Snail etching a wall mural - harmony of human and nature art

Dr Abe V Rotor
Giant African Snail (Achatina fulica) scraping a wall mural in QC

In ancient times there were two artists regarded to be the best painters all over Greece in its golden period.  But who was the better of the two? 

To resolve the issue a contest  was held in public.

The first painter painted fruits, so real and sweet looking that birds came and tried to pick the fruits.  

The spectators exclained, "Who can beat a painter who can decieve the birds?"

It was the turn of the seond painter. Tucked under his arm was a wrapped thing apparently, also a canvas.  He stood silent for some time, until the first painter became impatient.  "Why don't you show your work?" and he started pulling the string to unwrap the object.

But he found out that the string is the painting itself. 

The spectators exclaimed, "Who can beat a painter who can deceive another painter?

When I saw a mural being scraped by a snail, I said, "Who can beat a painter whose work invites a snail to join him in his art?" 

Indeed I found the wall mural more beautiful and natural.  It links man's art with that of nature to make a masterpiece.~

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