literature should uphold challenge both the young and the old; lend new
light to old beliefs and ideologies and
contextualize forthcoming trends; describe and comment on exigent
national and global issues; and trace and outline history through the
lens of the voiceless, oppressed, and marginalized.
Dr Abe V Rotor
Co-author of Philippine Literature Today
C and E Publishing Co., 2014
Living with Nature School on Blog
Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid (People's School-on-Air) with Ms Melly C Tenorio
738 DZRB AM Band, 8 to 9 evening class, Monday to Friday
1. Philippine literature takes us back to the domain of the gods and goddesses, to the throne of Bathala, to the times of Malakas at Maganda.
2. Philippine literature brings back the sweet days of childhood when kapres still lived in big trees, dwendes in punso (anthill), and manananggal used to peep through thatched roofs.
The whole experience is
distilled in the form of fantastic tales - a sort of transference, a
courageous parting from childhood memories, albeit leaving imprints of
the unknown and ineffable aspects of the world - which serve as forms of
nostalgia and entertainment during our adult years.
3. Philippine literature unveils the world of the minutiae - honeybee converting nectar into pukyutan (honey), worms weaving the finest sutla (silk), and fireflies emitting the brightest of lights.
4. Philippine literature has
never been dull and prosaic. It has done away with romanticism and
evolved alongside events that shaped the Philippines as a nation . It
blazed paths which remained untrodden, spoke about relevant issues that
used to be unspeakable, and utilized modes of expression shunned in the
5. Philippine literature "on
the other side of the fence," so to speak, portrays the wretched,
pitiful, painful, and deplorable conditions of human life; but at the
same time, it gives a sense of hope and redemption in the end. Doing
away with the idyllic representation of reality, literature is able to
lend its voice to the voiceless, oppressed, and marginalized sectors of
the society.
6. Philippine literature was
inevitably shaped by a colonial past. This led a lot of scholars and
critics to prolematize and debate the "pureness" of our literature.
However, the point is not to categorize and evaluate our literary
tradition and production in terms of its purported originality
and provenance, but to trace and identify the historical events,
processes, and departures that affected its development.
7. Philippine literature
exalts the beauty of the Filipina - the subject of countless stories,
poems, and songs - though the Maria Clara image of the Filipina has
coalesced with contemporary culture. Moreover, we can still say that
the essence of Filipino womanhood is still present in the modern
society. Proof of this is the abundance of literary texts that feature
the important role of women in our society.
8. Philippine literature not
only produced transcendent works, but also showed the world the
greatness of the Philippines and its people: Rizal's Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo described the plight of Filipinos during the Spanish colonial period; Bonifacio's Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa inflamed
the Philippine Revolution; Lopez-Jaena's Fray Botod exposed corruption
and oppressive rule of the Spanish friars and Balagtas' Florante at Laura, unanimously considered as the masterpiece in Philippine narrative poetry,
We have an extensive and pervasive oral literary tradition. Most
modern and contemporary literary forms trace their roots not only from
foreign sources but also from native literary forms like the bugtong,
dagli, ambahan, tanaga, dalit, diona, pasingaw, ulahingan, leyenda,
awit, korido, duplo, zarzuela, kotkotan, hudhud, patotodon, etc.
This goes to show that our literature, despite the detrimental effects
of colonialism and increased Westernization, still suckles from its
original literary bosom.
10. Philippine literature has been instrumental in the preservation of Philippine culture and values like bayanihan (cooperation), lamayan (wake), and the annual pista (fiesta).
Through poems and stories that depict the richness and quaintness of
Filipino life in the past, people of the present learn to appreciate the
practices, values, and beliefs being passed on to them by their parents
and forebears.
Philippine literature needs to continuously question and reinvent
itself; it needs to "come down to earth" to address relevant societal
issues and concerns. It needs to get out of the academe, its eternal
comfort zone, and find new ways to articulate and tackle pressing
realities. "Get out of the house," cried the late national poetess
Ophelia A Dimalanta. "Bond with the people, bond with nature," a call
for responsive change. On the other hand, literature should also
utilize new mediums like the Internet and multimedia.
12. Lastly, Philippine
literature should uphold challenge both the young and the old; lend new
light to old beliefs and ideologies and
contextualize forthcoming trends; describe and comment on exigent
national and global issues; and trace and outline history through the
lens of the voiceless, oppressed, and marginalized. ~

(Dawn) is the oldest and largest in circulation Ilocano magazine with
readers here and abroad. Right photo, author (right) and managing editor
Cles Rambaud. Bannawag is currently published by Manila Bulletin. Its
counterparts are Liwayway and Hiligaynon. Vernacular publications are
vital in preserving traditional, ethnic and cultural values.
Author and family with Bishop Teodoro Bacani (center) known for his hard hitting homilies and religious writings.

Author and wife with Larry Henares, radio commentator and newspaper columnist Author
with Fr James Reuter SJ columnist and TV-Radio commentator, playright
writer and dramatist, author of several books, teacher, retreat master
and spiritual adviser.
Icons of Philippine Literature Sedrey Ordonez, Ophelia Dimalanta, Jose Villa (extreme right)

Biag ni Lam-ang (Life of Lam-ang) is the most popular Philippine epic. Evangeline or Tale of Acadie
by Henry Wadsworth Logfellow was a popular romantic epic introduced to
the Philippines by the Americans during the Commonwealth Era. 
TV programs such as Nick Junior, Baby First, Baby TV has brought down
literature to the level of children and babies as entertainment and
early training. Animation has changed the traditional Mickey Mouse of
Disney to more educational and values oriented topics.
“Oh, the stories I can tell you, if you but
have the time to listen, but you are going away. Everybody is going someplace. They are all in a hurry; they will not listen
to me. And those who will tarry here
forever, they have no ears for my stories, because they have seen them happen
everywhere, and they don’t want them told, they are commonplace, they say they
should be hushed and forgotten … “
Bienvenido Santos, The
“I use the word “culture” in its broadest sense as denoting
the sum-total of a nation’s achievements in art, religion, science, and
letters; their philosophy and way of life; the ideals and instrumentalities by
which they live. Our culture, then , is
the continuity of our traditional life, the whole body of the intellectual,
moral, and spiritual values which have come down to us as our heritage after
centuries of accretion and evolution.”
P. Lopez, The Problem of Our Culture