Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature - School on Blog
Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid with Ms Melly C Tenorio
738 KHz DZRB AM Band, 8-9 evening class, Monday to Friday
American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) is most commonly found in the tropics
The cockroach has very powerful digestive enzymes: proteases digest protein, invertase breaks complex sugar, and amylase breaks starches. Its saliva contains powerful enzymes coming from the gastric caeca, while the Malphigian tubules secrete an enzyme that is equally disgusting. It is no wonder that just a single frass (feces) can spoil a whole pot of rice by its obnoxious smell.
The cockroach has not changed for the past 40 million years or so. It is therefore a living fossil.
By the way there are three most common species that we encounter in the home and public places. These are the American cockroach or Periplaneta americana (large, rust red with a yellow band across its thorax), the German cockroach or Blatta germanica (pale yellow, only one-third the size of the American species) and the oriental cockroach or Blatta orientalis (dark brown to black, the biggest and filthiest of all cockroaches.)
Meticulous sanitation is the best way to get rid of cockroaches. To keep their population down, sprinkle carbamate (Sevin) on the kitchen floor, pathways and possible hideout of the pest, preferably before retiring at night. Keep doors and screens properly closed to prevent entry of the insect.
Life cycle of American cockroach (hemimetabola - egg, nymph, adult)
A community of American cockroach.
Three most common species
How to minimize cockroaches at home and workplace. (CLIPS)
- Cleanliness - cockroach is a barometer of housekeeping
- Lighting - cockroach is nocturnal. Vigil light keeps them at bay.
- Isolation - screen, cabinets and drawers, containers
- Protection - kill or repel with derris, pandan mabango, chemical (carbamate like Sevin), traps
- Starvation - get rid of droppings, morsels, leftovers
Acknowledgement: Photos credit: Internet
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