Lesson: Learn to conquer your fears through the creative art of photography and poetry.

Sunken Pier, Sto Domingo, Ilocos SurA giant its teeth in gruesome stain!
Where have all the children gone?
the old folks and the fishermen?
The sweep of wind answers none.
UST, Manila
save the earthworm in its burrow,
after a full night's grind fulfilled,
earned its day's rest through,
and oh, that man should learn
to keep the clock holy and true,
though nil it is in this wide world,
his niche in his Creator's view.
Sacred Heart Novitiate, QC
As shy as the frangipani's bloom,
whispers in the air a fountain;
the lawn breathes after its groom,
waiting for the monsoon rain.
Canossa Retreat Center, QC
Empty benches as the sun rises; and no soul around to find;
Empty benches hide in darkness,
save some tears left behind.
UST Botanical Garden
and builds a world his own;
alone his art slowly comes forth,
like the coming of dawn.
Someone is knocking on my window pane,
dreary like the spirit I often dream;
it must be a raven or some naughty children,
wanting me to join in their game.
Sacred Heart Novitiate, QC
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