Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Moths: Masters of Camouflage and Mimicry (Part 2)

Dr Abe V Rotor

Ghost Moth
From visibility to invincibility;
first, keep low like ice in thaw; 
then, keep shape with the scape, 
wear some spots, add many dots;
last, you're ghost to any host.

Chameleon Moth 
Where comes the trigger I know 
are hormones by signal flow, 
masking colors, painting a view, 
to match a perfect scenario.
Lion Moth
You look like a lion without mane,
and that's why you look tame;
how in the world can you scare 
with your lonely, friendly stare. 
Prominent Moth
(How can you be prominent?)
Who would like you a frass lying still on crust,
feigning inanimate to pass the day in fast. 
Vesper Moth
You, who keep the faithful in vigil,
wearing a white stole over a holy robe - 
would being pious save you long?
Beaks and jaws simply don't care,
much less the order you belong
Tiger Moth
It is the tiger look that you seem respected,
else the mourning signal you send;
but whose view but the cruel beak instead
whose judgement lies your fateful end.  
Tapestry Moth
What you designed, man now claims his own,
yet it was your ancestors' pride before his dawn;
conditionally you gave, for a prize you crave,
by copying his art you may be saved. 
Poison Eater Moth
Moth feeding on the nectar of Lantana (Lantana camara
a poisonoius and obnoxious plant
What secret have you on hemlock you thrive,
which once robbed the world of a great mind?
Come to where there's li'l left of faith and pride;
bless you little moth, a messenger divine.
Battered Moth
Wings chipped, scales rubbed,
antennae curled, finish scrubbed;
eggs laid, leg cut, coat creased,
grounded, mission accomplished. 
Wood Moth
You look beaten like an old wood,
weathered by rain and tear and sun,
yet full of life and in good mood
like a seasoned timber's stand.
Klan Moth
With robe and hood you come and pause
in dignity, a racist you hide;
reminder of the Fuhrer's cause,
the ignoble Ku Klux Khan's pride;
but if you're a true ambassador,
please bring tidings to every door.
Furry Moth
Gather the dust and clothe your frame;
Wake up at dusk and play the game;
and feigning dead and devoid of spark,
your enemies take \you for just a bark.

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