Friday, March 29, 2019

Earth Month and Earth Day April 22, 2019: Bring Home the Waterfall

Earth Month and Earth Day April 22, 2019: 
Bring Home the Waterfall
Bring home the waterfalls to make it cool and green.

Dr Abe V Rotor

Art Workshop for Children before a wall mural by the author in his family 
residence (Living with Nature Center) in San Vicente Ilocos Sur, 2017,

Bring home the waterfalls
to make it cool and green, 
and grow ferns and mosses
on the wall like screen.

To deaden the roar of cars
with sweet hissing sound,
break away the stillness 
where its water is bound.

Shower the scorched earth
but make the summer longer
for the kids to play around
until the season is over.

Lend beauty to the arts, 
in painting, verse and song, 
in solace and meditation
from the maddening throng. ~

1 comment:

  1. Doctor/Sir do you have an email or contact number?
